Your Child's Learning Journey


18 months to 35 months


6:00 AM to 6:00 PM

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Warm and Attentive Toddler Care

Our toddler care approach centers on consistency, nurturing, and safety. Caregivers strive to maintain familiar routines, providing individual attention and comforting toddlers as needed. With a focus on daily activities like diapering, feeding, sleep, and active play, we create a stable environment where toddlers feel secure and valued. Our priority is a safe, engaging space, free of hazards, where each child is supported in their growth and development through compassionate, regular caregiving.

Daily Exploration and Skill-Building

Our toddler activities include a variety of play experiences that encourage exploration and learning:

  • Outdoor Play: Weather permitting, toddlers enjoy time outside to explore nature.
  • Thinking & Sensory Skills: Sorting, stacking, and age-appropriate puzzles promote sensory engagement.

Developing Independence and Motor Skills

We provide opportunities for toddlers to practice key skills in a supportive environment:

  • Fine Motor Skills: Crayons, art materials, and manipulatives encourage creative expression.
  • Large Motor Skills: Climbing, dancing, and riding toys build coordination and strength.
  • Self-Help Skills: Toddlers practice feeding, washing, and toileting for greater independence.

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When will i find out my child's teacher is?

How often do the kindergartners have specialist classes and what are they?

how does snack work?

Is It Safe for my kindergarten to ride the bus?

How does lunch work?

will they have a rest time during the day?

will my child learn to read in kinder garten?